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Working principle of Linear vibrating screen

发布时间:2023-03-13 浏览:208

Linear vibrating screen can sieve, classify and de-mix powder and granular materials (material range: 400 mesh non-viscous dry powder and granules with water content >7%); it can also have a coarse filtering of solid-liquid mixture, it is suitable for assembly line operation. What is the working principle structure diagram of linear vibrating screen?

Linear vibrating screen working principle

Linear vibrating screen adopts two motors placed in reverse to produce reverse force synchronously, forcing the screen body to do vertical movement; the material on the linear vibrating screen surface throws forward or moves in a straight line under the action of vibration force periodically, so as to achieve the purpose of material classification or impurity removal to complete the entire screening process.

Linear vibrating screen function

Powder and granule grading: material grading is decided according to the screen holes of different sizes and diameters on each layer; different mesh size corresponds to different screen holes, and the hole size determines the particle size; due to the different particle sizes of the required materials, 1-7 layers of screens with different particle sizes can be selected according to user requirements; the mesh size can be selected according to the materials.

Large particles or foreign matter removal : remove the part of the material that does not belong to or is superfluous, also called impurity removal; Use the different material shape, specific gravity or particle size in the linear screening to carry out impurity removal

Linear vibrating screen structure diagram

The structure of linear vibrating screen mainly includes: screen box, screen mesh, dustproof cover, inlet, outlet, vibrating motor, spring, support, etc.

Screen box: a variety of different thickness and strength, good hardness of steel plate, it is the main component of the linear vibrating screen

Screen mesh: 4 kinds of screen mesh are available, such as carbon steel, stainless steel, brass and bronze.

Dustproof cover:

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