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Analysis of the cause of vibration screen motor burning

发布时间:2023-03-13 浏览:208

During the operation of vibrating screen, the phenomenon of motor burning occurs from time to time especially in the hot weather in summer, what are the causes of this phenomenon? How to effectively prevent it?

1.Loose anchor bolt

Loose foot bolt is one of the main faults that cause the vibration motor to burn, due to the special structure of the vibration motor, the eccentric blocks located at two ends which are driven by motor will generate the excitation force, the impact force on the anchor bolt can reach several hundred times per minute, or even several thousand times.

Under the action of the huge excitation force, it is easy to cause the motor anchor bolt loose, one anchor bolt loose and will soon cause other bolts loose, if not found in time, it will cause the anchor bolt fracture and motor burning.

Preventive measures.

(1) Adopt high-strength bolts, the strength of anchor mounting or flange mounting bolt shall not be less than 8.8 grade.

(2) Reinforce the anchor bolt frequently, the motor anchor bolt should be tightened several times at the beginning of operation.

(3) Increase the anti-loosening device, each nut must be added under the elastic washer, double-nut fastening should be used if necessary.

(4) Maintain the motor footing surface and the foundation base plate with a good contact, all anchor bolts should maintain an uniform force.

Special attention should be paid to the selection of vibration motor shell materials, some vibration motor foot surface is on the housing (i.e., shell and seat are integrated), it can ensure that the shell and foot surface is integrated in processing, the level of the entire motor can also be guaranteed, so that the motor is not easy to cause loose anchor bolt during installation.

There are some vibration motor foot surface is not connected to the shell, because the foot surface is fixed after installation, it is easy to produce errors due to assembly and other reasons, resulting in the foot surface is not on a level,  it will cause bolt loosening due to uneven

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